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販売価格:App Storeに準ずる
- - Term Of Use-
This Terms of Use (“Terms”) set forth the terms between KALEIDOSCOPE Inc. (“Company”) and users (“Users”) of any services or features of BlurEffect (“Service”), which is provided by the Company.
1. Definition
(1) “App” means the application software “BlurEffect” designed for smartphones and /or tablet computers which is provided by the Company for the Service.
(2) “Material(s)” means stickers, image contents and other materials to be used for editing photographs and images on the Service.
2. Assent to the Terms
(1) Users shall assent to the Terms and use the Service in accordance with the Terms.
(2) Minors may use the Service only with consent from their legal guardian such as parents.
3. Retention of Rights
All rights in regard to The App, the Materials and the Service (including but not limited to the intellectual property rights such as copyrights, trademarks, patents) shall be retained by the Company or licensors of such rights.
4. Provision of the Service
(1) The Company shall grant Users the right to use the Service insofar as Users use the Service in accordance with the Terms and other conditions described in the Service. Users cannot assign or lease such right to use the Service to third parties.
(2) The intellectual property rights and/or property rights of the Materials shall not transferred to Users, even if the Service indicates suggestive words such as “buy” and “subscribe.”Users shall be granted no more rights than the right to use the Materials only for the purpose of editing and/or decorating photographs on the Service.
(3) The User’s usage history will be cleared and right to use the Service will be terminated when the User has deleted the App from her smartphone or tablet computer. The User cannot have her new device take over her usage histories. However, the User can re-download the paid Materials for free when she has re-installed the App and verified the device by the Apple ID or Google Account that she had used at the time of payment.
(4) The Company reserves the right to provide Users with advertisements for the Company or a third party, through the Service.
(5) The Company reserves the right to modify or cease, at the Company's own discretion, the whole or part of the Service at anytime without any prior notice to the Users.
5. Privacy
The Company places the highest priority on the privacy of Users. The Company promises to appropriately handle the User’s privacy and personal information in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
7. Restrictions
Users shall not engage in the following when using the Service.
(1) Activities that violate the law, court verdicts, resolutions or orders, or administrative measures that are legally binding.
(2) Activities that may hinder public order or customs.
(3) Activities that infringe intellectual property rights, such as copyrights, trademarks and patents, fame, privacy, and all other rights of the Company and/or a third party granted by the law or contract.
(4) Activities that post or transmit violent or sexual expressions; expressions that lead to discrimination by race, national origin, creed, sex, social status, family origin, etc.; expressions that induce or encourage suicide, self-injury behavior, or drug abuse; or anti-social expressions that include anti-social content and lead to the discomfort of others.
(5) Activities that lead to the misrepresentation of the Company and/or a third party, or intentionally spread false information.
(6) Activities that use the Service for the purpose of harassments or libelous attacks against other Users, use the Service for the purpose of meeting a person for sexual encounters, or use the Service for purposes other than the Service's true intent.
(7) Activities that benefit or collaborate with anti-social groups.
(8) Activities that illegally or improperly lead to the collection, disclosure, or provision of other’s personal information, registered information, user history, or the like.
(9) Activities that interfere with the servers and/or network systems of the Service, that abuse the Service by means of BOTs, cheat tools, or other technical measures, and that deliberately use defects of the Service.
(10) Activities that that make unreasonable inquiries to the Company such as repeatedly asking the same question beyond necessity, that make undue claims against the Company, and that interfere with the Company's operation of the Service or Users' use of the Service.
(11) Activities that aid or encourage any activity stated in Item (1) to (10) above.
(12) Other activities that are deemed by the Company to be inappropriate.
8. User Responsibility
(1) Users shall use this Service at his/her own risk, and shall bear all responsibility for actions carried out and their results upon this Service. It is User’s responsibility to back-up the his/her data of modified/decollated photographs by the Service.
(2) The Company may take measures that the Company considers necessary and appropriate such as terminating or suspending the rights to use Materials and/or the Service itself, if the Company acknowledges that a User is using the service in a way which violates the Terms. However, the Company shall not be responsible for correcting or preventing such violation towards Users or others.
(3) In the case where the Company has suffered loss/damage or has been charged an expense (including but not limited to lawyer's fees) directly or indirectly due to the User using the Service (including but not limited to claims against the Company arisen by third parties), the User shall immediately compensate the Company upon its request.
9. Disclaimer
(1) The Company does not expressly or impliedly guarantee that the Service are free from de facto or legal flaws (including but not limited to stability, reliability, accuracy, integrity, effectiveness, fitness for certain purposes, security-related faults, errors, bugs, or infringements of rights). The Company shall not be responsible for providing the Service without such defects.
(2) The Company shall not be responsible for any damages inflicted upon Users in relation to the use of the Service. However, if the contract between the Company and Users regarding the Service (including but not limited to the Terms) shall be deemed as a consumer contract under the Consumer Contract Law in Japan, then this exemption clause shall not be applied.
(3) Notwithstanding the condition stated in the item (2) above, the Company shall not be responsible for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential or punitive damages (including but not limited to such damages that the Company or Users predicted or could have predicted) with respect to the Company’s contractual default or act of tort due to the Company's negligence (except for gross negligence). The compensation for ordinary damages in respect to the Company’s contractual default or act of tort due to the Company's negligence (except for gross negligence) shall be limited to the total amount of received fees from the User in the particular calendar month in which the Company’s contractual default or act of tort occurred.
10. Modification of the Terms
The Company may modify the Terms and Conditions when the Company deems necessary, without providing prior notice to Users. The modification will become effective once the modified Terms are posted on the Service. Users shall be deemed to have granted valid and irrevocable consent to the modified Terms by continuing to use the Service.
11. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
Where the Company has provided Users with a translation of the Japanese language version of the Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as “Japanese Version”), the Japanese Version will govern the relationship between Users and the Company. In the event of a contradiction between the Japanese Version and a translation, the provisions in the Japanese Version shall take precedence over any other translation. These Terms and Conditions will be governed by the laws of Japan. Conflicts that arise from the Service or conflicts between Users and the Company related to the Service will be governed primarily under the exclusive jurisdiction of the District Court of Tokyo.
- - Privacy Policy -DefinitionsSuperimpose Studio, BlurEffect, AutoRemover, and SmartCut are owned by KALEIDOSCOPE Inc. , based in Tokyo - Japan. (referred to as "I", "Me", "Our" or "We"). As a customer of this service you're a "User" or "You" according to this policy. The applications or any services offered by us will be referred to as "Superimpose Studio", "BlurEffect", "AutoRemover", "SmartCut", "App", "Website" or "Service".How does your app collect data about me?Our app collects data about you:
- when you send support, question, and other requests to us
When researching potential customers, we sometimes search the public World Wide Web or paid business databases. Otherwise, we don't buy or receive data about you from data brokers or other private services.What data does your app collect about me, and why?Our app collects email address:- Our app uses your email to contact you about support requests.
Where does your app keep data about me?Our app stores email address on servers in the United States of America. We sometimes retrieve those data to my personal computers in Japan. We use the data to develop, debug and maintain the service. The data is erased from my computers when no longer needed.Does our app comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation?Our app respects privacy rights under Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Information that GDPR requires Our app to give can be found throughout these privacy questions and answers. So can information about specific rights, like access, rectification, erasure, data portability, and objection to automated decision-making.GDPR does not apply to everyone worldwide. But Our app's policy is to do its best to offer all users the same privacy information, control, and protections, whether GDPR applies to them or not.Does our app share data about me with others?Our app shares account data with others as mentioned in the section about account data.Our app does not sell information about you to others. However, our app uses services provided by other companies to provide our app service. Some of those services may collect data about you independently, for their own purposes. All of the companies are based in the United States.Some of these services may be used to collect information about your online activities across different websites.Our app uses Google Analytics.Our app uses Google Analytics to collect and analyze data about visitors. You can read the privacy policy for Google Analytics online. You can opt out of Google Analytics by installing a free browser extension.Our app uses Google AdMob.Our app uses Google AdMob to collect and analyze data about visitors. You can read the privacy policy for Google AdMob online.Does our app make automated decisions based on data about me?No. our app does not use your data for personalization or retargeting purposes.Who can I contact about our app and my privacy?You can send questions or complaints to:KALEIDOSCOPE Inc.contact@kaleido-jp.netInose building 2F, 2-7-20Kita-aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo107-0061Japan
Copyright 2015